View of Vishal Sikka (CEO of Infosys) on role for Infosys and opportinities in software defined world

Speaking to the media after the meeting, Sikka said: “There comes a time in the life of a company when the instinct and the intuition, the knowledge of the founder is replaced by processes, structures, principles and innovations that we put together. Pravin and my endeavour will be to do that.” “Beyond that the big thing that I deeply believe is that the world around us is becoming fundamentally reshaped with software. Everything that we see around us is becoming software defined and that gives Infosys a tremendous opportunity to help reshape that in every industry whether it is banks, financial services, manufacturing, oil and gas, in retail especially,” he added.

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There comes a time in the life of a company when the instinct and the intuition, the knowledge of the founder is replaced by processes, structures, principles and innovations that we put together. Pravin and my endeavour will be to do that.”

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“There comes a time in the life of a company when the instinct and the intuition, the knowledge of the founder is replaced by processes, structures, principles and innovations that we put together. Pravin and my endeavour will be to do that." - Vishal Sikka

"Beyond that the big thing that I deeply believe is that the world around us is becoming fundamentally reshaped with software. Everything that we see around us is becoming software defined and that gives Infosys a tremendous opportunity to help reshape that in every industry whether it is banks, financial services, manufacturing, oil and gas, in retail especially" - Vishal Sikka
